Il SICILIA SMART CLUB ha attivato una convenzione Assicurativa con la compagnia assicurativa “VITTORIA”.
Possono usufruire della convenzione…….(segue)
SICILIA SMART CLUB has activated an insurance agreement with the insurance company “VITTORIA”.
Can take advantage of the agreement……(continued)

Iniziamo l’anno 2025 con il 1° Meeting a Bisacquino, in provincia di Palermo……(segue)
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We begin the year 2025 with the 1st Meeting in Bisacquino, in the province of Palermo……(continued)

Quarto Meeting, con la “Transumanza” a Geraci Siculo e lo “Museo del Sale” a Petralia Soprana…..(segue)
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Fourth Meeting, with the “Transhumance” in Geraci Siculo and “Salt Museum” in Petralia Soprana…..(continued)

Settimo appuntamento dell’anno, alla scoperta della bellissima NARO…….(segue)
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Seventh appointment of the year, discovering the beautiful NARO…….(continued)

Secondo Meeting dell’anno, in provincia di Ragusa per visitare le bellezze del luogo…..(segue)
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Second Meeting of the year, in the province of Ragusa to visit the beauties of the place…..(continued)

Quinto appuntamento dell’anno a Nicosia ed a Sperlinga, dove ci attende la visita al magnifico castello….(segue)
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Fifth appointment of the year in Nicosia and Sperlinga, where a visit to the magnificent castle awaits us….(continued)

Eccoci arrivati all’attesissimo adrenalinico Meeting il Pista….Lo Smart Time Attack del Club…..(segue)
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Here we are at the highly anticipated adrenaline-filled Meeting il Pista….The Club’s Smart Time Attack…..(continued)

Terzo Meeting dell’anno si torna a Castel di Tusa per completare le visite della famosissima Fiumara D’Arte……..(segue)
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Third Meeting of the year to Castel di Tusa to the visits to the famous Fiumara D’Arte……..(continued)

Rappresenteremo la Sicilia ( e l’Italia) al FamilyMeet 2025 in Danimarca…….(segue)
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We will represent Sicily (and Italy) at FamilyMeet 2025 in Denmark…….(continued)

Ed eccoci giunti all’ultimo, attesissimo Meeting dell’anno…..Il pranzo di Natale, che terremo a Zafferana Etnea….(segue)
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And here we are at the last, highly anticipated meeting of the year…..The Christmas lunch, which we will hold in Zafferana Etnea….(continued)